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Officers & Membership Roster

Line Officers

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Captain Robert Stein

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1st Lt. Ed Smith

Photo Pending

2nd Lt. Shawn Graham

Civil Officers


President Debbie Vobroucek

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Vice President Darlene Whitfield

Photo Pending

Recording Sec. Susan Powell

Treasurer Cindy Cefalu

Corresponding Sec. Pat Conques


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Photo Pending

Trustee Ben Conques

Trustee Charles Melucci

Trustee Dan Pezzola

Membership Roster

Allen, Roxanne - EMT

Arensberg, Amy - EMT

Arent, Sue - EMS
Bermeo, Daneyda – EMT

Bernhardt, Thomasina - EMS

Cefalu, Cindy - EMT

Conques, Ben - EMT

Conques, Pat - EMT
Deutsch, Chayim - EMT

Elkstein, Eli - EMT

Flakowicz, Matthew – EMS
Friedman, Eliezer – EMS

Graham, Shawn - EMT

Hatzis, Ashylyn - EMS

Haviland, Lynn - EMS

Kavanaugh, Julia - EMS

Keller, John – EMS

Mazzamuto, Celestino - EMS

Melucci, Chuck - EMT

O’Brien, Crystal – EMT

Pezzola, Dan - EMT

Pinho, Kevin - EMS

Powell, Susan - EMS

Powell, Thomas - EMS

Reynolds, Pat - EMS
Roberts, Amanda – EMT
Roberts, Christopher - EMT
Roberts, Nicole – EMT
Rosenfeld, Lipa – EMS

Rubanovich, Simon -EMS

Sabatelli, Philip - EMS
Silvera, Beverly - EMT

Smith, Ed- EMS

Sommer, Scott - EMS
Stein, Bob - EMT
Stevens, Jonathan – EMS

Swiller, Jonathan - EMS
Vobroucek, Deborah - EMS

Wallace, Christina - EMS

Wendolowski, Jessica - EMT

Whitfield, Darlene - EMT
Willis, Daniel - EMS

Woodhouse, David - EMT

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